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GetRight v6.0发布 改进众多亮点频闪

本帖由 总代2006-06-09 发布。版面名称:工具软件

  1. 总代

    总代 New Member

    GetRight是一款真正元老级的下载软件。它将文件下载功能扩展成断点续传,支持简单错误恢复以及其他很多功能。它也可以计划下载任务并在完成后挂断或关机。GetRight 还有多种功能让你更快下载:它能用 FTP 搜索其他可下载文件的网址,然后清楚地在这些可下载的网站中转换,以便从最好的网址下载。

    GetRight 6.0 的主要改进有:

    # Added support for BitTorrent downloads.
    # Added Podcast Downloader to automate downloading files in a RSS feed.
    # Added ability to pick a playlist (from iTunes or Windows Media Player) so when a download is completed, it’s automatically added to the playlist. This is part of the Podcast Downloader too, so it can automatically put files from a podcast source into the playlist you choose.
    # Totally redone graphics and logos.
    # Added support for FTPS downloads (both explicit ftps:// and implicit on port 990).
    # Added support for MD5 and SHA1 checksums to verify files.
    # Added a Language configuration item, to make it easy to use translations.
    # Added File Compare to the download status history mode, so can compare the size/date for a file you downloaded to the current file on the server.
    # Lots and lots of changes, fixes, and improvements.

    GetRight 6.0 的详细改进列表:

    # Bought one of the trouble-some routers which helped find and fix some Port Forwarding crashes.
    # Fixed click monitoring for Windows Vista Beta #2.
    # Changed how the "download as tray icon" tray icon looks when using Windows XP, so will match the XP style much better.
    # Added so when Syncing, for some errors it will write a log file in the GetRight folder to help debugging.
    # And a few more things too.

    从更新的新功能来看,此次崭新的v6.0正式版对应的正是其自身巨大的改进:完全重构的图形界面支持和LOGO;增加了对BT下载的支持;增加了对RSS源中Podcast自动下载的支持;下载完文件后自动把媒体文件发送到iTunes或者Windows Media Player的播放列表。同时这个版本还提供了对Windows Vista Beta2 的良好支持。


    [​IMG] 下载: GetRight v6.0 正式版@官方
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