DESCRIPTION: This is a Medals/Awards system. Admin can give members awards, and award icons will be displayed in member's profile, posts, as well as in a award list. FEATURES: In ACP - Can Create/Edit/Delete/Reorder categories/sub-categories in ACP (with category name and description) - Can Create/Edit/Delete awards in ACP (with Award Name, Description, Icon URL, Image URL) - Can Move one (or all) award(s) from one category to another - Can set some awards un-classified (not displayed for public) - Can re-order awards in awards showcase + Issue awards to members, based on username or userid, with Issue Reason + Remove awards from members - [1.2] Options to set number of awards displayed in postbit - [1.2] Options to turn on/off showing award icon, images, award requests in awards list, awards icons in memberlist Front page - Display awards list in with: Award Name, Description, Icon, Image, and Members who get each award. - Display awards showcase in profile, with Award information, Issue time and reason - Display award icons in postbit (showthread, showpost, announcement, private) [1.2] Display limit awards in postbit, with total awards, and a link to awards showcase in member profiles. [1.2] Award request, link to a form sending to email/PM/new thead or post (based on Dr Erwin Loh's Form hack) [1.2] Display award on Memberlist page (by trulylowcarb)
"奖章插件"插件 for vbb 3.5 优化版 从3.0插件改进而来. 这个 hack 可以用来给用户添加各种奖品 奖章 或者各式图片 它们将会显示在showthread页面的发帖人信息里 你可在 用户资料中 添加 编辑 颁发 奖品 *************************************************************************** 优化说明: 1:前台只增加一个sql查询. 2:勋章数据储存只需要user表的一个字段. 3:使用了vbb3.5的插件管理器,安装极为方便. 4:不需要修改php文件,只修改模板一处地方. 5:修正上版已发现的错误. *************************************************************************** 安装步骤: 1.上传文件:award.php 到admincp 文件夹 2.上传文件:cpnav_award.xml 到includes/xml下。。。 3.建立奖品图片目录:images/award/ 4.用phpmyadmin或其它方式执行 award.sql ,或根据自己喜欢的方式进行更改 (注意一下award.sql里表的前缀,改成和你使用的一样.) 5.在 插件管理 -> 下载 / 上传插件 导入 vbulletin-plugins.xml **************************************************************************** 注: 添加奖品图片时,请不要使用外部链接,请把图片统一放入 ./images/award/ 下 原版本可以使用外部链接,并且默认就是http://,但是一旦使用本地链接, 由于awerd.php user.php和showthread.php路径不同,会使某些页面奖品图片显示不出来。 (图片路径为相对于 showthread.php 的 相对路径,所以添加记录时不要写成 ../images/award/XXX.gif。 压缩包里带了些样品图片( images下)。 还有其它的问题请访问我的论坛或直接发Email找我 ^_^ Email:[email protected] QQ:52037872 阿枫 2005-10-23