WysiwygPro.v2.28.PHP.NULL-DGT WysiwygPro is an HTML word processor that runs through a web page. You can use it to replace regular <textarea> tags in all your PHP powered web-pages and applications including Content Management Systems, E-mail systems and discussion forums. WysiwygPro enables anyone to create rich HTML content online without any knowledge of HTML. It is designed to look and behave like Word so anyone that can use Word can use WysiwygPro. With WysiwygPro you can now build web applications that anyone can use! While similar products require users to have the latest version of Internet Explorer, WysiwygPro supports all Internet Explorer versions from 5.0 up, Netscape 7.1 and Mozilla 1.4. Currently WysiwygPro is only available as a PHP package. [HIDE] 57ftp......./==================-代码-=======/WysiwygPro[1].v2.28.PHP.NULL-DGT.zip[/HIDE]